Friday 22 July 2016

How to gain muscle mass, strength and burn fat

  •  Exercise Intensity:
Perform exercises with relative high weight and low repetitions. Try to aim for the 8-12 rep range, that’s where the most muscle hypertrophy (Enlargement) takes place.
  • Type Of Exercises
Perform exercises that incorporate large muscle groups, do exercises that involve more than one joint. A perfect example is Deadlifts. They work your entire posterior chain of muscles and are a great way to gain mass. Other good workouts include Bench press, row, lateral pull downs, dips and squats.
  •   DIET

Eat foods that are high in protein and ensure you are taking enough calories from rich nutrient dense foods. Don’t totally cut off your fat intake, if you are getting adequate fat, then your body will produce less anabolic hormones that may help tremendously with muscle building. Consume foods like Eggs, whey protein, grilled meat, bake potatoes, beans and vegetables.
  •          SLEEP                                                                                                                                           

Getting an adequate amount of sleep will not only give you more energy throughout the day but will also allow your body to secret anabolic hormones, try to get at least 8 hours of sleep during the night. In achieving the amount of sleep, try to make your room as dark as possible, cool and quite enough to avoid distractions. Light and sound play a big role in how well you sleep.
  •         CARDIO

Don’t do too much cardio, cardio is an important part of every fitness routine but if you are trying to increase your sizes, then the cardio workout will burn more calories. I am not condemning cardio, you can still keep up with doing your cardio it’s just going to make the process longer. Try and keep the cardio shorter and more intense but rather than long and resistance/endurance activities.
                            Why Should You Gain Muscle Mass
Adding muscles mass/Strength will help you feel better about the way you look and what you are capable of doing. Working out is a great way to keep a good attitude and preserve good mental health
Resistance/endurance training along with adding weight to your muscular frame will increase bone mineral density and greatly reduce the risk of having fractures or broken bones.
·                 REDUCED RISK OF INJURY:
Adding muscle mass is not going to only makes you stronger, but also adds a protective barriers helping prevent injuries
·        Adding muscle
Increased rate of fat loss in the body thereby reduces obesity. Muscle requires a lot of energy to be maintained so during bodybuilding, much calories are burn to generate energy, this increases your metabolism. Burning fat and increasing your overall energy from day to day.

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