Thursday 21 July 2016

Effective Rib Cage Workout

The rib cage muscles consist of the lower pectorals, serratus anterior and upper obliques. Well-defined serratus anterior muscles look like fingers spread out across
the sides of the upper rib cage. The goal with a workout is to target these muscles and give your rib cage a more tone and defined look. This is also beneficial for protection in contact sports such as mixed martial arts, football and ice hockey

During a rib cage workout, you perform multiple movements, especially with your arms. If you go into this workout with cold muscles, you run the risk of pulling a muscle or suffering some other form of connective tissue injury. A thorough warm-up consisting of five to 10 minutes of light cardio and dynamic stretches can prevent this from happening. Dynamic stretches involve steady movements of the body through a range of motion. Forward bends, trunk rotations, arm crossovers and arm circles are dynamic stretches.
Working the lower pectorals gives the upper rib cage a wider appearance. The same goes for the serratus anterior and upper oblique. The best way to work the lower pecs is with decline presses. Being that your body is at an angle, the brunt of the emphasis goes to the lower chest. You have the option of using dumbbells or a barbell for this exercise. Both types of resistance cause you to recruit stabilizing muscles, which will boost your progress. Pullovers, weighted side bends, barbell rollouts and straight arm pushdowns all target the rib cage area as well and make good additions to a workout.


Working out every day is not the best approach to make progress with a rib cage workout. The muscles need to be taxed, but they also need time to recover. For better results, train your rib cage muscles not more than twice per week with at least 48 hours of rest between each session.

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